SteriCentre Setup
Please set up the SteriCentre app in the following order:
- Add operators using the top right **+** button.
- Only operators designated as **active** will be included in the operator pick list for the Cycle and Pouch records.
- The passkey must be unique to each operator and consists of 4 numeric characters (e.g., 1234).
- The passkey is required if the audit trail is used.
- The operator record can be deleted but is retained in each Cycle and Pouch record.
- Sterilizers
- Choose **Sterilizers** from the **More** tab. A sterilizer can be added individually using the **+** button.
- A list of commonly used sterilizers can be imported using the **** button.
- Only the sterilizer designated as **In Use** will be available in the Cycle pick list
- Multiple sterilizers can be set as **In Use**.
- Choose **Instruments** from the **More** tab.
- Select the **Category** button on the top right.
- A Category can be added individually using the **+** button.
- A list of categories can be imported using the **** button.
- A Category can be deleted.
- An Instrument can be added individually using the **+** button.
- A list of instruments can be imported using the **** button.
- There are two lists to choose from: **Complete List** and **Generic List**.
- The **Complete List** is a more comprehensive list taken from dental catalogs.
- The **Generic List** is smaller with more common terminology (e.g., "6 European Mirror Handle" vs. "Mouth mirror").
- A toggle is available to overwrite the list, allowing you to try either one.
- Additionally, both lists can be imported as well.
- Only instruments designated as **In Use** will be included in any pick lists.
- The **In Use** toggle on the Instruments list will switch between all instruments and In Use instruments.
- The list can also be filtered by a specific category.
- The **Labels in the report period** can be used to determine the amount required for ordering.
- The **Labels to date** is a label counter.
- The **Label Auto Print** feature prints the label automatically when a Pouch record is saved.
- Otherwise, the **Label** button must be used to print a label.
- The **Order Labels**, **Save**, and **Subscribe** buttons are only active when using the Admin PassKey.
- The **Save** button is used to save any changed parameters.
Main View - A splash screen is displayed when the Main view is opened.
- This can be dismissed and prevented from showing again by selecting the **Do not show again** button and/or using the **Start view** toggle on the Administration view.
- The Main view presents the Cycles and Pouches lists. - Initially, the Main view is blank as there are no Cycles or associated Pouches.
- A Cycle is added using the **+ Add Cycle** button. - This may be designated a **Master Cycle** if there is an associated **BI (Biological Indicator)**.
- The date is automatically generated.
- An Operator and a Sterilizer must be selected; these are required to save the Cycle record. - A Cycle ID is automatically generated, serving as the reference for Pouches used in this cycle.
- To add a Pouch to the Cycle, tap the Cycle list to reference the Cycle ID, then press the **+ Add Pouch** button to present the Add Pouch view. An Operator must be selected.
- There is a choice of Instruments and Kits lists; the selected instruments or kits will be added to the pouch record.
- If the Administration **Label Auto Print** is on, the label will automatically print when the Pouch record is saved.
- Otherwise, the ** Label** button will appear and can be used in Edit mode, which is accessed by tapping the Pouch record list.
- After a Cycle is completed, the parameters must be recorded.
- The pressure, temperature, and BI are recorded in the Cycle record, which can be opened by a double tap on the Cycle row.
- A **Save** will keep these parameters.
- Chemical indicator for pouches can be marked either individually or in the **Edit Cycle** using the **Pouches** button.
- A sheet showing all Cycle associated pouches can be marked for **Chemical Indicators**
- If the Cycle has failed, the **Void** button should be used, noting that all associated Pouches will also be voided.
- Tapping on the Pouch list will open the Pouch record in Edit mode.
- The **Chemical Indicator** toggle can then be set, and a label can also be printed.
- Individual Pouches can also be voided here if the Pouch fails (e.g., CI fail, pouch ripped, etc.).
- A kit can be composed of any instrument that is **In Use**.
- To add a Kit, use the **+** button. - The instrument list can be filtered by category.
- A kit record can be deleted.
- A tray is similar to a kit but is specific to the operatory, not the sterilizer.
- Additionally, an image of the tray can be part of the record.
- This image can be viewed and/or printed for reference.
- The image is pulled from the Photos app, and images can be taken with the iPad camera.
- The Help list is composed of image records describing the various app view controls.
- This list is imported from the **** button. ---
- The printer used is an industrial label printer, **ZD 411** from Zebra Industries.
- If purchased from SteriCentre Software, it comes formatted and tested.
- If the printer is purchased elsewhere, the iPad app **Zebra Printer Setup Utility** can be used to adjust fonts, weight, and other parameters.
- Labels can be purchased in rolls of **1000 labels/roll** for labels measuring **1.5 x 3.0 inches**.
- The material used has been tested in several dental sterilizers at full loads, with no deterioration of the print or label.
- Label usage can be calculated in the Administration label report.