SteriCentre Import Files

SteriCentre Import Files

Categories - Use the Import button in the top right of the Category view to import a preset list of categories.  These categories can be added or deleted to customize for your office.

Instruments - The import button in the top right of the Instrument list view can import either a Complete list or a Generic list of instruments.  The complete list consists of instruments with full description such as CP - 10 Color Coded Probe where a Generic list description would be Probe.  The complete list consists of over 600 instruments   while the generic list is reduced to under 100 .  Both list can be imported by setting the Overwrite toggle to false infusing a second list.    

Sterilizers  - Use the Import button in the top right of the Category view to import a preset list of sterilizers.  These sterilizers can be added or deleted to customize for your office.  The InUse property is required for Cycle record input

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